martes, 30 de julio de 2019

White Cadillac

White Cadillac: A Mexican SoliloquyWhite Cadillac: A Mexican Soliloquy by David Lane
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am Mexican and I really enjoyed this book. I have known throughout the years many Americans and Canadians who come to Mexico looking for warmer weather and nice beaches, but beneath that desire, there is always so much more. Some of them try to modify Mexican ways (not understanding them or even disagreeing with them). Others go out of their way to modify our Mexican landscape (we have the roughest roads full of baches and topes, right?). And some others really conform to the Mexican reality. Some towns, here and there, become a very interesting merge of cultures. The stories in this books have all kinds of characters, some of them adorable, others not so much. But I had never found such a good human study of what a foreigner coming to my country could find.
The books comes with really nice drawings as well, of which I post a picture.

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